Ten bothersome canine Behaviors


My mutt is not perfect, even though he has a ideal owner. OK, I guess if I were really perfect, my mutt would be ideal too. Unfortunately, he’s not.

Here are, in my opinion, some of the most bothersome canine behaviors. I’m not including biting, mauling and attacking people in this list.

I think that would be a little beyond annoying. My mutt is guilty of at least half of these and probably all of them at one time or another.

1. When the canine has unlimited energy

Most dogs in the united states do not get the exercise they need, my mutt included.

But I also notice a big difference in his behavior if he has had a long workout, a short walk, or no exercise at all. I like him a lot much more when he’s tired! probably all nine of the following behaviors could be eliminated if people would just walk or run with their dogs.

An hour a day is really not too much to ask, considering many people could use the exercise anyway.

2. When the canine barges through the door first

Most dogs want to be first. My mutt will barge through the door, up the stairs, out of the room or out of the automobile before me if I don’t stop him. but he has gotten a lot better at this one, because I do not tolerate it.

No canine will push his way past me. It really tests my patience.

I would consider it impolite from a person, so it’s not ok for my mutt to act like that. I have older relatives who could get seriously hurt if my mutt chose to push them out of the way, just to be first.

The same chooses young kids. So, Ace sits and waits for me to go through the door, then he is invited. He is always last. Período.

3. Dogs that beg

How bothersome is it when you can’t even delight in a meal without those big, dumb eyes staring at you?

Then the drooling starts and maybe even a nudge, saying, “Hey! Estou aqui! I’ll take some of that!”

Or, the canine actually goes beyond the begging and takes your food. because of his begging skills, my mutt is now required to sit in the other room while I eat, or at least several feet away.

4. Pulling on the leash

Every canine owner knows the feeling of being pulled down the street. It makes the walk very unpleasant.

Various collars can help with this problem, but typically the canine is still pulling, just not as hard or as noticeable.

After a year of practice, my mutt will still pull, especially if he’s just wearing his regular, buckle collar. It’s as though every walk is a race! It’s the most embarrassing when someone else tries to walk him.

Actually, I’ve had some success limiting his pulling, but Ace still wants to walk ahead. He heals when I tell him, then seconds later he starts creeping slowly ahead. first his nose in front, then his shoulder, then half his body.

5. When the canine is overly friendly

This can be done in numerous ways: barking, wining, pawing, nudging, following, putting toys in your lap, jumping, knocking you over.

It’s all annoying! and many guests don’t appreciate it! the best way I deal with this is by telling my mutt to lie down and stay on his bed when he can’t relax. It helps when he wears his leash if he is much more thrilled than usual.

6. When the canine does not come when called

We’ve all screamed at our dogs to come inside, only to be completely ignored. and even worse, the screaming doesn’t help. Wouldn’t it be good to have a canine that comes when called 100 percent of the time?

7. When the canine takes over the furniture

I have pals and family members who don’t mind if their dogs are on the furniture. I guess that’s their opinion and they can do what they want in their own homes. Bem, talvez.

As a guest in someone’s home, I don’t like it when a little canine is climbing all over me. I also don’t want to share the couch with a terrific Dane or a lab.

When a canine claims the couch as her own, she is showing her dominance through territory. setting guidelines as easy as not allowing her on the furniture can help with other behavioral problems.

At least make the canine wait until she is invited onto the bed or couch on your terms.

8. The canine chews on things

If only dogs knew that if they didn’t chew our stuff when we’re gone, they would get much more freedom. I would let my mutt have the run of the place each time I’m gone if I knew I could count on him.

Unfortunately, there are times when I can’t count on him. A bored canine is a destructive dog, or a noisy dog.

9. The canine barks in his kennel

The first month that I had my mutt, he cried for at least ten minutes each time he went in his kennel. With time, he has learned that crying will not help his situation. He gets to come out after he’s quiet.

Now, the only time he cries is if new people or dogs are going to anD Ele quer sair com eles. A única coisa que posso fazer é ter certeza de não convidá -lo para sair até que ele fique quieto. Dessa forma, ele aprende nunca latir no canil.

10. O canino late desnecessariamente

Ninguém quer ser o proprietário daquele canino no bairro que todo mundo odeia, porque não cala a boca! Alguns cães são muito mais vocais ou territoriais que outros, mas uma longa caminhada ajudará com este. Muitos cães latem quando estão entediados ou frustrados e uma caminhada os ajudará a se livrar de energia extra.

Obviamente, muitos desses comportamentos caninos incômodos estão diretamente relacionados a comportamentos incômodos do proprietário, começando sem definir limitações. Se os proprietários pudessem ser muito mais consistentes no treinamento de seus cães, muitos desses problemas poderiam ser eliminados.

Por mais imperfeito que seja, o ACE é, com comentários com comentários sobre o quão bem se comportou ele. Eles dizem que eu tive sorte e tenho um canino tão fácil de treinar. Bem, eu não tenho tanto sorte.

Passei meses procurando o melhor canino para o meu estilo de vida e passo horas toda semana trabalhando na aplicação do bom comportamento. Esse processo continuará durante toda a vida de Ace. O treinamento está em andamento.

Nunca haverá um humano canino ou ideal ideal, mas sempre pode haver um humano melhor canino ou melhor.

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